ANGELO - run over by a car but after major surgery, love and care, he’s a happy, healthy angel dog!

CHARLIE - blind, emaciated, and physically disabled, life finally became good once he arrived at Golden Years Animal Sanctuary.

FORMER LAB ANIMALS- rescued from medical testing and dark, metal cages, all these girls finally have fresh air, room to play, good food, one another, and love at Golden Years Animal Sanctuary.

BISCOTTI - bounced from home to home, never cared for, he is now a plump, gorgeous gentleman!

BENE - dumped, covered in ringworm, a tumor in his spinal cord, elbow dysplasia, and pica, with surgeries and close monitoring, he’s now able to have the life he deserves.

SHIRLEY - was found wandering the outskirts of a rural area and ended up at an overcrowded shelter for a month. She was covered in a skin fungus, her nails were curled, she had horrible diarrhea, wasn’t eating and was dehydrated. Now at Golden Years, she’s fully sheared, trimmed, eating, drinking, alert and loving!

Shirley now - full coat and very full belly!

CANDY and CORN - were caged and to be someone’s main course, are now a main attraction at Golden Years!

Golden Years Animal Sanctuary, where there’s no such thing as a “disability” or being “too old”!